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Call for papers, posters & photosDEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 12 February 2016

EXTENDED to 26 February 2016

The Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (PILAS) committee, with the support of the Society for Latin American Studies; and the Newcastle University Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, invites postgraduate researchers from diverse social, natural, and applied scientific fields as well as the arts and humanities to present their work, engage in debate, and share perspectives about their research on Latin America.


The theme of the conference is transformations in Latin America. The sub-continent’s current dynamism is characterised by a wide spectrum of new initiatives to revisit the region’s rich history and secure a more socially equitable future. By exploring how these transformations are occurring in the face of complicated economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges, the conference will highlight the role that research can play in understanding and explaining contexts and the processes of change in the region, and in visualizing alternatives to current lived realities.


Topics include, but are not restricted to: climate change, cultural representations, infrastructure, natural resources, migration, colonial legacies, citizenship, wellbeing, environment, indigenous communities, imaginaries, development, conflicts, economies, innovation, crisis, natural disasters, among others.


As a result, through the Conference, researchers will be encouraged to make connections and build bridges that allow for more in-depth and comprehensive understandings, joint-research opportunities, and shared methodologies. Therefore the papers submitted will be organised into coherent panels by identifying overlapping and complementary expertise. Engaging in these kinds of activities may enhance critical thinking, boost creativity, and improve communication skills for participants, which are valuable for both professional and academic careers.


The PILAS 2016 conference will be held at Newcastle University on 29-30 June; it is free to attend and will include in addition to keynote speakers, sessions on postdoctoral and other academic job opportunities; and a session on how to publish articles and book reviews. Moreover, providing there is enough interest (we will ask at the online registration), a session about the relationship between academia and public policy will be held.


PILAS welcomes postgraduates studying any topic in Latin America to submit proposals for papers or posters (please refer to the guidelines for details).


On a separate note, we would like to encourage everyone to submit a photo you have taken during your fieldwork (it may depict you as well!), as the conference will also hold a cultural sharing space through a photography exhibition for the Conference attendants (we will not use the photos for any other purpose).


Finally, about the venue, the 2016 conference will be held in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, a city well known for its raucous nightlife and excellent cultural attractions (read more here).



Postgraduates in Latin American Studies Conference 

Postgraduates arm of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS)

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