Top ten tips for socializing at this upcoming PILAS Conference!
Plan ahead: Who are the speakers and chairs? Who are the people attending? Who do you want to meet? Consider contacting them in advance...
Everybody wants to live a good life, but how many people understand what a good life is?
Good life is a very complex and controversial concept, which has different meanings for different people. Good life is usually referred...
Violence and crime in Latin America: Mexico’s case
A preliminary exploration of the current condition of Latin America shows an unambiguous landscape: 9% of the global population lives...
Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Newcastle University
The Centre is based in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, but has members in the Faculty of Medical Sciences and in the...
Millions of hopes, like mine, for Colombia
Some weeks ago, Colombian media turned their attention to the most recent advances in the peace negotiations with one of the oldest...
Actuar o no actuar
QuerÃa abrir un tema de discusión, que me involucra personalmente, el de ser activista y doctorante al mismo tiempo. Pongo doctorante en...